what is the enthalpy of a fleeting thought of self violence? what is the heat transfer per unit mass flowing of a choked sob in the dark of a room? compare the work produced when a man on the brink of terrible understandings about himself gives up another breath of hope and a boy who can't grow up slowly seeing his magick seep out of gaping wound in his side (A = 14in^2).
a soft light shines warm in the cold. its warmth is superficial, but you can't deny it seems to help, if only very slightly.
calculate the entropy generated for an angel's restless night, solving grotesque charicatures of fundamental laws in his head. use the property lookup tables to interpolate the specific volume of his soul. hasn't it gotten smaller? explain the primary reason for the irreversibilities.
everything is cold now. you can't remember your fingers being warm. the earth's warming concerns you, but you gratefully accept a september day if it means the night can embrace you more gently.
a man is being compressed adiabatically; what is the final pressure after the process takes place? we put him in a tank now, and we're slowly filling it with water at 525*R. sketch the process on PV and TS diagrams. calculate the work and heat transfer for each step, and mark on the diagrams.
life is cold. people are cold. well, not all people, you suppose. but the ones that matter usually are.
find the change in internal energy of the first step into madness. using the compressibilty charts, estimate Z for a pair of eye bags that darken every day. determine the entropy generation rate when a desperate soul reaches out to someone, anyone, for a glimpse of meaning in the muck, and is denied over and over again.
i don't think i can do it anymore. not life, just... living like this. taking this. i know i can be warmer.
if someone's lying on the ground in a pool of their own angelblood, what is their thermal efficiency and coefficient of performance? evaluate the claim made by the inventor that they thought they could make it through, but they've lost their way in the darkness and might lose themselves too. for a mind undergoing a Carnot power cycle, what is the heat transfer in the expansion and compression?
it's stopped being about honor now. just close your eyes and acclimate to the cold.