
34 -- cis male he/him -- 5'3'' -- gfuel catboy -- stackoverflow gjinka

stack is a catboy not by choice. a former employee of his, fed up with his snide comments, snuck gfuel into his morning black coffee one day, hoping to ruin his career by turning him into a sweet catboy. unfortunately, it made him more of an asshole. he was drawn to the .coms since they always ask him for help with things and compliment his knowledge. truthfully, under it all, he cares about helping people but was taken advantage of one too many times and hardened his personality.

loves being right about everything, mansplains but only when prompted, very insecure and wants to keep up appearances desperately.

hobbies: answering questions on forums and being an online troll

self-imposed ostracization, duality of man, gray morality
formality, business, officespace

smells like: heady cologne

ivy: he doesn't let it out, but he's fascinated with her game reviews and is very interested in her partronage with the ceiling cat; it's one of the things that he doesn't know about and he desires to learn more. they meet for coffee in secluded places every other week and he's always on the edge of turning to be a disciple, but hasn't made the jump yet.